Tikak Collinery

Brief Introduction of Tikak Colliery:.

Tikak Colliery which is an Open Cast Mine was established in 1986. The mine comes under Makum Coalfield. It is located about 10 Km from Margherita. Tikak Colliery has two Units namely i.e. Tikak East and Tikak West (Tikak OCM). These are worked contractually with Shovel Dumper combination.
Mining in this colliery is carried out in a small hillock at an altitude of about 299m and 429.48m above MSL respectively.
It has two major working Coal Seams i.e. 20 ft and 60 ft, which were earlier worked out by Underground Mining Methods from Baragolai Colliery and Namdang Colliery since 1909 and 1896 respectively by M/s Assam Railway & Trading Company.
The remnant standing pillars in the goaf is worked by open cast method in Tikak Colliery. The workings are located in the north limb of the Syncline.
Tikak Colliery was a part of Baragolai Colliery which was later bifurcated to Tikak Colliery under separate Managers with a common Agent/Project Officer.
The coal mined out is transported from both units to the coal siding area and dispatched to various destinations in the country by mode of Rail as well as Road.

  1. Coal reserves of Tikak Colliery.
    The Total Coal Reserves in Tikak Colliery is 121.37 Million Tonne (MT) of which 23.70 MT is Mineable Reserves.
    The grade of Coal available in Tikak Colliery are

1. G1- GCV exceeding 7500 but not exceeding 7600 K Cal/kg
2. G2- GCV exceeding 6700 but not exceeding 7000 K Cal/kg
3. G4- GCV exceeding 6100 but not exceeding 6400 K Cal/kg

1. Production target of Tikak Colliery for 2022-23

Sr.NoTargetAchievement till 31st August 2022
1Coal200000.00 Te65206.82 Te
2OB2110392.33.M3629512.00 M3

3. Coal Dispatch achievement in Tikak Colliery.

The Coal dispatched from tikak colliery for the year 2022-23 upto 31/08/2022 are given below

Sr.NoMode of transportG1grade in TeG2 grade in TeG4 grade in TeTotal in Te

4. Safety initiatives and Achievements in Tikak Colliery.

Regular on the spot safety talks along with regular weekly safety gate meetings are held and also monthly safety committee meetings are held to discuss and deliberate upon any lapses or action needed to be initiated to prevent accident and injury to the human resource and property. Annual safety week observation is carried out. Safety posters, slogan, take 5 and safety is my responsibility etc as safety tools are posted in haul roads and inside the mine to remind safety while carrying out their duty. Regular on the job training, practical training for freshers, timely initial, refresher and special training are arrange at GVTC Baragoalai. Regular IME/PME of employees are carried out at Central hospital Magherita.

a) Accident Status


          NB: Accident occurrence almost nil

  1. a. PME 2021 Achievement more than 100% (i.e. 59/20).

b. Refresher Training 2021 Achievement more than 100% (i.e. 23/14).
5.  Manpower status in Tikak Colliery.      
i) Total Executive: 09
ii) Total Non Executive: 115
iii) Mining Staff: O/M=07, M/S=19
iv) Clerk: 09
v) Employee reduction in next three years (by Superannuation): 

SlYearEmployee reduction

6. Environmental Initiatives in Tikak Colliery.

Area to Reply
Annual Rainfall: The annual rainfall for calendar year are

Sr.NoYearRainfall in mm

7. Social activities. (Drinking water, Medical facilities, Electricity, School, Sports)
i. Drinking water and electicity: Tikak Colliery is providing drinking water and electricity facilities for all its employees, all contractual workers who are staying in company quaters, Tangsha Tribal Villages and other surrounding villagers.
ii. Medical facilities: Tikak Colliery provides medical facilities for all its employees and families including retired employees and also all contractual workers.
iii. School and education: Tikak Colliery provides grants-in-aid to Malugoan no. 3 Prathamik Vidyalaya for children of Tangsha Tribal Village. And also supports Tikak Prathamik.
iv. Sports: Tikak Colliery promotes sports and physical activities in around the colliery by organizing annual sports for employees and family and also surrounding local villagers.
9. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in Tikak Colliery in last 4 years

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