Quotation Notice.
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Repairing of damaged fencing between NH and GM colony area at Margherita.
Installation of MS Grill at the double storey building at Officers colony, Nizarapar, Margherita.
Cleaning of settling tank of WTP at Baragolai Colliery please.
Supply of VIP Sofa, garden chair etc. for celebration of Republic Day on 26th January 2025 at Central Field, Margherita.
Corrigendum- Quotation No. TKK/10/QTN/102/2024 dated:27.12.2024.
1. Cleaning of 3Nos R.C.C hume pipe culvert,one R.C.C Tank and drain at Tirap Colliery.
1. Painting and re-writing of Signboard at the approach of Dehing Colony near the main entrance gate of the colony.
Repairing of 6BTA 5.9C Engine of FE payloader (WL-3) of Tikak Colliery.
1. Erection of Welcome gate over N.H and fixing banners, festoons etc. at different places of NEC for the proposed visit of Hon’ble Union Minister of Coal & Mines, Govt. of India to NEC, Margherita.
2. Urgent painting of Coal Heritage Park & Museum for the visit of Hon’ble Union Minister of Coal & Mines, Govt. of India at Margherita.
3. Painting and repairing along the approach road to Dehing Guest House along with minor repairing work of Dehing Guest House for preparation of proposed visit of Hon’ble Union Minister of Coal & Mines, Govt. of India to NEC, Margherita.
4. Urgent painting of boundary wall and front side GM Office for preparation of visit of Hon’ble Union Minister of Coal & Mines, Govt. of India to NEC, Margherita.
5.Urgent painting of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Children Park for the visit of Hon’ble Union Minister of Coal & Mines, Govt. of India at Margherita.
1. Repairing and renovation of View Point at Tikak Colliery.
2. White washing and painting of road side buildings,signboards etc. at Tikak Colliery.
3. Repairing of pot holes at approach road leading to view point of East mine at Tikak Colliery.
Repairing & renovation of View Point at Tirap Colliery.
CAMC of CCTV Surveillance System of NEC.
1.Making of 5 nos. security posts at Tirap Colliery.
2.Widening of Ledopani nullah and Hamukjan nullah junction,Ledo.
Repairing of B’low No: M/267 at Dehing Colony, Margherita.
1) Repairing of 2(two) Nos. quarters MF-5 & MF-6 at Staff Colony, NEC, Guwahati.
1.Repairing of 3 nos. Type II quarters at CMPDIL Line of Tirap Colliery.
2.Repairing of 3 nos. Type A quarters at Hospital Line of Tirap Colliery.
Repairing of Different Office Building at Tikak Colliery.
Notice for Essential Repairing of B’low No BG-94 at Baragolai Colliery.
Distempering and painting of Namdang House and Coal Museum at Margherita for preparation of visit of Chairman, CIL.
Strengthening of brick masonry water tank stand at different B’lows of Dehing Colony.
Minor repairing of B’low No: M/347 (B) due to change in occupation at Nizarapar, Margherita.
Cleaning of Ledo Pani Nullah from Ledo College culvert to further downstream at Tirap Colliery.
Repairing/Reinstallation of HT overhead line feeding Power at Tikak Colliery Pump House from Baragolai Colliery
Repairing of 6 nos of septic tanks at Tirap Colliery
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Repairing and Reconstruction of Colony drain of Tirap Colliery
Cleaning of Railway track at Tikak Colliery
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Erection of fencing for Quarry at Tikak Colliery
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Repairing and Painting of community centre at Tirap Colliery
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Essential repairing and painting of B’low No: M/246 at Dehing Colony. Margherita
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Repairing of one room at Dehing Institute, Margherita
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Corrigendum- Quotation No NEC/MGT/QTN/264/C Dt: 18.10.2024
Lighting arrangement at Polo Field, Margherita
Gully plugging at O.B. dump at Tikak Colliery
Cleaning of coal particles around coal dump area,track and drain leading to ETP at Tikak Colliery.
1. Repairing of Security rooms of B’low No.-L-83 at Ledo, Tirap Colliery.
2. Cleaning of Ledo Pani Nullah near booster pump,Ledo, Tirap Colliery.
3. Cleaning of lagoons of E.T.P. at Tirap Colliery.
4. Cutting and cleaning of Ledo Pani Nullah infront of dispensary at Tirap Colliery
Corrigendum Notice
Cleaning of deposited silt from Sipe Nullah at Ledo
Re-construction of damaged portion of boundary wall at Agent Office of Tirap Colliery
Cleaning of Ledo College culvert to prevent flooding of nearby areas of Ledo College at Ledo
Cleaning of outlet drain of ETP upto Ledo PaniNullah along the rail track at Tirap Colliery
Cleaning of drain along NH-38 opposite siding with debris cleaning from outlets of culvert at Tirap Colliery
Cleaning of drain near ‘C’ Type B’low Stadium, Ledo Police outpost and 3 nos. culvert at Tirap Colliery
Gully plugging in O.B. dumps of Tirap Colliery
Grouting of electrical poles & re-strengthening against damage by wind corrosion
Annual painting of Workshop Machines
Distempering and painting of Community Centre at Margherita Kalibari.
Essential distempering and painting of the Guest House, Guwahati, NEC.
Urgent repairing of Qtr. No: DS/54 and DS/55 at Bishnujyoti Nagar, Margherita.
Distempering and painting of Community Centre at India Club premises, Margherita.
Jungle cutting and cleaning around Central Magazine at Tikak Colliery”.
Repairing/Reinstallation of overhead line at Tikak Colliery.
Quotation Notice for works related to Footpath, Jungle trimming, RO Plant.
Footpath Download, Jungle Trimming Download, RO Plant Download
1. Repairing of toilet and roof of AISF Residence at Tikak Colliery
2. Sub-drain cleaning inside China Basti at Tikak Colliery
3.Cleaning of drain from O.B. dump east mine to railway culvert at Tikak Colliery
4.Cleaning of settling tanks and drain along ETP at Tikak Colliery
5.Painting of Road side buildings,signboards, walls etc. at Tikak Colliery
Renovation of passage and staircase area of GM Office
Repairing of road with granular materials at Tikak Colliery
Trimming of Trees below LT and HT Over Head lines at Tikak Colliery.
Mending roof leakage, ceiling repair and painting of auditorium of Ledo lub.
Distempering, Painting and ceiling Etc. of conferene hall of GM Office as a preparatory work for the proposed visit of Chairman, CIL to Nec.
Supply of VIP Sofa etc. for celebration of Independence Day on 15th August 2024 at Central Fie3ld, Margherita.
1. Repairing and painting of B’Iow No.- C/1 at C-Type colony of Tirap Colliery
2.Trimming of trees at Tirap Colliery
Making of security posts (2 nos.) with sand bags barrier at Tikak Colliery”.
Repairing/Reinstallation of Earth pits and Earth Strips at different Electrical Installation of Tikak Colliery
Minimum touch up work at GM Office, Namdang House. Coal Heritage Park & Museum and Central Hospital for preparation of visit of Chairman CIL
Durgent Hiring of DG Set for Director’s Bungalow (Namdang House) For (Three) Days
NIT PG-1 Download, NIT PG-2 Download, NIT PG-3 Download, NIT PG-4 Download, NIT PG-5 Download, NIT PG-6 Download, NIT PG-7 Download, NIT PG-8 Download
Drain cleaning and jungle cutting at Dehing Colony, Margherita.
Erection of old rail posts fence near Public Bus and Auto Stand, Margherita
Plantation for the occasion of Vriksharopan Abhiyaan 2024
Notice for Quotation
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